To the Secret Goose Society
Congratulations, you are one of the very few to discover one of the secretiest secrets hidden within the realms of this, The Writing Spirit Blog.
As is such, you are now an official member of the SGS. The code word is "dufflebag."
Here you will be filled in with exclusive bonus material, news and interesting facts about authors (including yours truly) amongst other things.
Please understand and appreciate the necessity of secrecy hereafter concerning all things goose-related. In order to be a member of the SGS you must never reveal that you are a member of the SGS.

Word of the month:
"the slophish, gurgle-gurgle plop noises that seem to come from your bladder but are actually made by the movement of fluid and gas in the intestines."
"As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says, 'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation."
-2nd Corinthians 6:1-2

Stay in tune with the goose