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Keeping You Up-To-Date

Writing, I must admit, has been slow. But it's still happening!

If this feels like a season of slow-going, just-surviving, let's not rock the boat because I'm just plain tired for YOU like it has been for ME, then consider this post as your official alarm clock of life-hibernation hasn't even started yet! NaNoWriMo is coming! Let's get the show on the road!

Every day is a gift, right? Let's live life to the fullest, dare to dream our hearts desires, and (most importantly) do.

As for me and my slow-going pace, I am working on embracing my manuscript.

I am learning to love working on the very challenges that my instinct cringe away from.

Besides, one should not be daunted by the idea of editing one's own manuscript. One should consider it a fun endeavor, rather than a hot mess.


And when it comes to staying on task, the internet can be both friend and foe. For this post, I'm going to share a list of the online resources that I've been using for the Sake of the Book in hopes of inspiring you to do and explore and learn and dive in.

Places Online That I (Actually) Enjoy

  1. I was recently acquainted with which is simply amazing for keeping historical dishes straight, whether you're writing about the seventh century and you can't remember if Oreo's had been invented yet (negative) or you just want your MC to sound intelligent as she eats her eighteenth century coffee (don't forget the eggshells).

  2. I was recently on Indian Names For Parents by Uma Krishnaswami to find the right endearments for my fictional mixed family. I think Ammi/Papa has a nice ring to it, don't you?

  3. I guess I'll never be done recommending for some healthy indoor grounding. Real grounding is obviously more effective, inspiration-wise, but I've never been very good at writing and nature-ing at the same time.

  4. is always a fun challenge. Have you tried it yet?

  5. Raising Chickens 101 from the terrifically helpful Farmer's Almanac for both myself (ahem) and some chicken world-building. Because keep calm and keep chickens, all.

  6. And finally, I'm searching for more resources about Ben Anderson because of fencing and because of Ben Anderson. If anyone out there knows of a good, honest fencing book (did Ben Anderson write one?) then please let me know.

When in doubt (or when you just don't feel like doing something) my best advice is to do it anyway. Life is short. Short short short. We should be making lists and then completing those same lists. Embrace change and embrace challenges.

Then I promise, good things will come.


"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

-Romans 12:2


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