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Let's Do This. The Right Way.

Like a lot of people, I had a POA set and ready to tackle for this summer. It involved

  1. reading through the latest draft of my novel

  2. re-writing

  3. editing

  4. polishing

  5. researching like a scholarly scholar

  6. feeling accomplished

  7. and intelligent

  8. emerging into the fall school year with a shiny, flawless manuscript that would be published and sensational by Christmas.

Needless to say, my goals tend to be dramatic and life changing (which can be good) and also only half-baked (which is never good).

We can all think (if we think hard enough) of something half-baked we've experienced, whether it was a storyline or a loaf of zucchini bread. "That's exactly what I want people to feel when they read my book!" said no writer ever.

Wherever you research tips on becoming a successful published author, the chances of finding the general message: TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE are high. It's been pointed out that you need to find your niche, create your portfolio, get your name out there and everywhere, yadda yadda yadda, all those things we already know but get it done ASAP.

It's from adages like this, found over and over again on the all-knowing ever-flawless internet (sarcasuuuum), that have made me feel like I've already failed even though I've barely even started. My initial response is to run until I'm burned out, then run some more, run some more, even if I don't even know how I feel about what I'm doing, doesn't matter, keep running.

Then, just as I'm landing in the mud for a final, exhausted, unsatisfying rest, I can fling whatever it is that I've scribbled out into the hands of a publisher who will promptly lose my manuscript in the sea of blood, sweat and tears of a thousand other wistful writers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, in times like these, the initial piece of advice that I can give to myself and the world is this:


Truth: we don't know what's going to happen next year, next week, or even two seconds from this moment in time.

To be a successful author, you need to be aggressive, confident and realistic. But you HAVE to write for reasons beyond the glittering of fame and financial security. To be an author of greatness, an author worthy of remembering, you must write from your heart, which better be a good, sound heart.

So keep writing. Keep writing every day. Write in a private journal. Write poetry, keep your mind alive with thoughts and ideas. Keep hold of the ideas before they float away. Read as much as you can that's worth reading. Ask for advice from reliable people. Begin a project and finish it.

Did you get that last one? Good.

And on top of all that, remember WHY you're writing in the first place. This is a very personal and very vital ingredient. This is what keeps you from collapsing in the mud just before you cross one finish line of many. Weary, wiser, and undefeated.

Ask yourself what the goal of your writing is. Ask who you're trying to please, and why.

There are so many things to be thankful for. From morning to evening to midnight, blessings are dripping off of the lichen, the mushrooms sprouting off of the hickory trees, the ever-climbing clematis vines. We just have to get our heads out of our heads and see it.

Rabbits are experts on grounding. Even if they have to wear unattractive vests in order to do it.

Write well, Writers!


"The shepherds are senseless

and do not inquire of the Lord;

so they do not prosper

and all their flock is scattered."

-Jeremiah 10:21


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