In an old memorandum (that is, journal), of mine that I recently re-discovered, I read my own writing from the very first page, and it said: "Starting a new journal is like beginning the next book in a beloved series. It takes some time to figure each other out again."
Is that what starting a new blog is like? I don't know about you, but I feel a little bit jittery.
I've never done anything like this before, but I've decided to take the plunge, and go for it. Not because I really want people to read my blog (although if it did inspire anyone out there, that would be an enormous plus), but because I love to write. It's been coming on for awhile, actually, like a head cold that you can sense before it actually arrives, peeking around the trees, before whacking you on the back of the head with a frying pan. You fall into the dirt-
And you know your life will never be the same.
I've had that experience twice in my life: once, when a cold hit me on the back of the head with a frying pan, and the second, when I realized that I needed to write.
Not wanted, mind you, although I do want to--you have to understand, it is vital for you to understand: I must write. I have to. It's become a part of who I am, and who I am is a writer who loves good books.
One of those experiences--the writing or the head cold--is far more pleasant than the other, by the way. You can guess which.
Don't worry, there are other things that I love: my family, the garden, the rabbits, the music, God- but writing is so personal, another limb that I wasn't born with, but that I was destined for.
Oh, and I also knit. Very badly. I'm working on a scarf that I don't think anyone is going to want to actually wear. Then there's also the 4-H club I co-lead in (thus the rabbits come in handy), along with the music and chess classes, so you see? I'm not a psycho who does absolutely nothing but breath and read and write-- I've thought about it, but that wouldn't be healthy. Not even a little bit. One has to pop one's head out the window, and play amongst the stars every now and then (and I know nobody says 'amongst,' anymore, but I think it's lovely). Yet when I look at everything as a whole, writing is so much a part of me, more so than the 4-H or the trombone. I love to write, and I want to share what I've learned, and share my love of words with anyone who will read them.
So ready or not, here I come (virtual warts and all), using this blog as my personal *butalsopublic* documentation and journal of our journey with my first, soon-to-be published novel. Although someday questions can be asked and discussed by the general public here, I honestly doubt anyone will be reading this aside from me-
Don't think you've gotten rid of me.
And Johnny too, of course. Hello, Johnny.
Hi there.
Well, it feels just like home here.