There is a great truth that is reached through doing what you love. Truth is an important quality for a writer to obtain. Writers have to be honest with themselves, their stories, and their readers. Otherwise what is written is in great danger of being a flop.
Oh, and we don't want that.
What I love to do often involves quiet solitude (no surprise there, considering this blog and everything), such as weeding under the shade of a tree, or pressing tomato sprouts into the soil.
Here's the truth, though: writers (and all you normal people, too!) need to be able to find joy even when we're not doing what we love. Honestly.
Sometimes I feel like writing. Sometimes I don't. But unlike the farmers that have to be in a good mood with their sweet-tempered cow in order to get any milk, my laptop (the cow) needs to be able to produce good writing (the milk) whether or not I (the farmer) am feeling simpatico with said cow.
Yes, and when you start speaking English again let us know.
Right. So anyway, truth: do what you love, love what you do. Find joy and write, whether you feel like it or not. And be good to your cow, whatever form yours may be.