We are nothing if not unexpected, we writers. Sometimes we take our readers by surprise. Sometimes ourselves. I love when that happens, don't you?
There were many things that happened since the last time I've done any blogging. To be brief: Christmas came, sisters sang, candles burned, lessons learned. Lose at Scrabble. Lose at Monopoly. Manage to bake a few things that were actually edible. Lose at chess. Read Stephen King's On Writing. Banish adverbs.
(There was a suspicious amount of joy and goodwill in our neighborhood, and there may have actually been some caroling involved.)
A fish is obtained. Name is debated over. (Bilbo Bubbles or Atticus Fish?)
But then things get even more interesting:
I write, I read. Had a Brilliant Idea about book. World spins. Immediately following: Strange dream involving fairy lights. Realization: Wasn't a dream. Had a seizure on the kitchen floor. Had an interesting conversation with some gentlemen as to why Go Tell a Watchman shouldn't have been published while they load me into an ambulance. Had brain scanned in tube whilst listening to Beethoven. Almost lose my mind because hand is asleep while in tube and I can't remember the name of the piece I am listening to.
Lay in a hospital. Stare at ceiling.
Remember while lying in hospital bed that I had had a Brilliant Idea prior to seizure. Ask someone to write said idea down on a piece of paper please and thank you very much.
Life goes on.
Writing is slow. Reading takes effort. Meet a therapy dog. I realize that what I need more than anything is a dog and a big one at that.
A week goes by, and still no writing. More tests. No results.
I develop an unexpected powerful interest in Sherlock Holmes (some thanks to Guy Ritchie, most thanks to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). Remember about Brilliant Idea. Writing is rekindled in a blinding spark of ingenuity. Gobble up Holmes's adventures and memoirs. Pick up Nicholas Nickleby again. Learn about writing. Begin writing again. Notice writing style has changed dramatically.
Snow falls. Feel satisfaction.
Thus concludes a month in the life of Carley Anne. Expect an update soon.
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go clean Attorney Fish's tank.
Write on
"In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success." -Proverbs 3:6